My Point of View
technology, programming, and rants (not necessarily in that order)
I didn’t find this information anywhere, so here it is for the Google archives…
To get Prototype to run after squeezing it through ShrinkSafe, you need to put back every instance of the variable $super. ShrinkSafe replaces variable names with shortened versions, and because of some Prototype voodoo, it breaks on this one name. There are about 8 places you’ll find it, and unfortunately, it takes some manual hunting once ShrinkSafe has changed a bunch of names, but there you have it.
I build web apps. Almost every one has a screen or two somewhere that shows a listing, and at the bottom it has pagination links, e.g. next page, page 3, etc. For a recent app I’ve been working on, the interface is very search-driven, i.e. the user enters some criteria the results are displayed.
As an experiment, I left off the pagination links. In this app, there is no “next page.
Just posting this for any friends getting ready to sign up for a SliceHost account. This my referral link - I get a discount on my slices if you use this. Help a poor developer, please.
We’re gearing up for the upcoming, very first Tulsa Ruby Workshop.Of course, all you need to know is on the website, but in short, it’s a beginner’s conference all about Ruby and Rails. If you’re new to Ruby and/or Rails, this is for you (if you’re in or near enough to Tulsa, Oklahoma that is). Tell everyone you know!
Oooo I really like the new Firefox 3 beta. It’s zippy and it looks great.My only beef was the new fancy address bar… Being an uber web geek, I tend to recognize things by their URLs instead of page titles, so this was slowing me down to much:So, to get things back all barebones FF2 style, I installed this and set browser.urlbar.matchOnlyTyped in about:config to true. Much better.
I still plan on writing the final part in the Git series on this blog, but in the meantime, on a related note, we now have a page up on the OneBody wiki about Using Git. It includes some instructions for using Git on Windows and some other commands that may be helpful to noobs.
Just to save you a half-hour of your life, I thought I’d share that you should never create a named route called “directory” – it will break Rails migrations and other rake tasks in mysterious and hard-to-track-down ways.
For Part 2 of our 60-second Git tutorial, we’ll look at some super simple branching and merging.
git branch tells you which branch you’re on.
git branch -a lists all branches, even remote ones.
git checkout mybranch checks out the branch you want.
git checkout -b newbranch creates a new branch from the one you’re on, and checks it out for you.
git checkout master && git merge mybranch merges changes from one branch to your master branch.
First, the mental hurdles:You don’t need a server to have a git repository. All your commit history is available locally and quickly, with simple commands. Same with branches and tags. Git “checkout” and “commit” are commands you run locally. Svn “checkout” and “commit” are really more like “pull” and “push” with git.
Now, the commands:
rails myapp && cd myapp && git init && git add . && git commit -a creates a repo and makes the first commit (but still nothing is sent to any server; all work is done locally in your own repository)
I’ve been reading the book Advanced Rails by Brad Ediger. I first met Brad way back in 2006 when we were first trying to get our local Ruby user group going. He is a very smart fellow, and his newest book is definitely evidence of that. There’s a lot in there that’s over my head, but that’s nothing a few rereads can’t solve. :-)The book has everything from optimization to deployment, from security to metaprogramming (my brain is still spinning from that one).