Python Rehab Clinic, Part I

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I don’t know how many people are switching from Python to Ruby these days, but I’ve learned a bit and thought it would be helpful to a few people if I cross-referenced my Python knowledge to my (growing) Ruby knowledge. I got this idea from James on the OK.rb mailing list.

Part One will focus on where to find what in the Ruby community. With any programming language or framework, you have a set of resources you go to often to find what you’re looking for. I had a list of Python-related bookmarks I frequented; now I have a list of bookmarks for Ruby stuff.

One disclaimer: this is not a comprehensive list or comparison. It is just a representation of my Python world cross-referenced with my Ruby world.

Language Reference ๐Ÿ”—

Standard Library: Python - Ruby

Built-in Classes: Python - Ruby

Interacting ๐Ÿ”—

Shell: python - irb

File Extensions ๐Ÿ”—

Standard: .py - .rb

Console-less: .pyw - .rbw

Compiled/Bytecode: .pyc, .pyo - none

Web Frameworks ๐Ÿ”—

Beastly: Zope - none

MVC: Django, TurboGears - Ruby on Rails

Lite: Quixote, CherryPy - Camping

Content Management Systems ๐Ÿ”—

Plone - Radiant

Object-Relational Mapping ๐Ÿ”—

SQLObject - ActiveRecord

In the spirit of *Release Early - Release Often8, I’m posting this in the hopes I will think of stuff to add to it later.